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While emergency departments and critical care units have been inundated with patients due to the COVID-19 outbreak, many other departments in 医疗保健 facilities have been shuttered to prevent the spread of disease to staff and non-infected patients. 州政府和地方政府正准备缓慢重启经济, 医院也开始恢复医疗服务, 比如选择性手术, 都被暂停了.

重新开业的首要任务是员工和患者的安全. 的re are a number of steps you can take to create a safe environment for reintroducing programs that have been reduced or closed during the COVID pandemic as well as reintroducing patients and staff to environments that were previously less active.


管道系统需要清洁. 同时打开水龙头5至10分钟,冲洗马桶以确认功能正常.

对于暖通空调系统,重要的是临时或永久更换过滤器为HEPA过滤. This can be especially important when a unit has been serving COVID patients and is being converted back to non-COVID patient use. 在以前没有治疗COVID患者的地区, 暂时将过滤器更换为低压降HEPA过滤.

  • 在打开部门之前,在省煤器上运行该装置以净化系统, 特别是如果AHU正在为一个有COVID患者的地区服务,并且该地区正在重新开放.
  • 在重新开放部门之前,运行AHU性能评估以确认功能.


改善病人和工作人员安全的一种方法是尽量减少候诊室. 这提供了一个控制探视和限制非病人进入部门的机会. 为了减少部门内的交通流量,可能有必要更改访问政策. Increased control over department access could lead to an increase in security presence on site (operational/staffing change). 研究所的筛选程序,以进入部门的访客.

另一种可能减少交叉污染的方法是减少高接触区域的数量, 比如喷泉. 考虑为游客提供免触水通道.

Locating PPE stations throughout your facility provides an opportunity to add handwashing stations and hand sanitizers at department and facility entry points. 考虑在候车室设置洗手台.


  • 重新开业前对部门进行终端清洁.
  • 在部门内或附近增加电动汽车供应仓库,以提高清洁要求,保持安全.
    • 考虑将等待空间或其他公共空间转换为减少使用的空间.
  • 减少身体接触点:
    • 整合员工专用手持设备(平板电脑、笔记本电脑、魔兽世界等).),尽量减少共用电脑终端机
  • Increase signage to encourage handwashing/sanitizing and minimize contact and to direct visitors for handwashing process and accessing departments.


  • 当您的部门重新开放时,操作增强还可以帮助提高员工和患者的安全性.
  • 有可能增加保安人员来控制进入部门和/或设施的通道.
  • 增加EVS人员,以适应整个设施的清洁需求.
  • Ramp up equipment cleaning capabilities for the equipment servicing patients between infectious areas and non-infectious (reopened) departments.
    • Opportunity to dedicate mobile medical equipment to a department to minimize transporting equipment throughout the facility.

Patient placement will be critical to minimize placing infectious patients on the same units with non-infectious patients. In smaller facilities separating patients by unit may not be a viable option; therefore, 考虑通过走廊将患者安置在同一单元内,以尽量减少交叉患者交通路径. 考虑在放置前对患者进行预测试,以确定合适的位置, and consider dedicating staff to specific units to reduce travel between infectious and non-infectious areas of the facility.

病人的运输将是重要的. 隔离运送传染病和传染病的走廊. 非传染性患者将是一项重大任务, so an alternative might be PPE for the patient during transport and/or scheduling transports to minimize patients bypassing each other.

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